Friday, July 22, 2022

cccxxiv. LITTLE, Booker: We Speak

cccxxiv. LITTLE, Booker (1938-1961)

We Speak (1961)
BL, trumpet
Julian Priester, trombone
Eric Dolphy, alto saxophone
Don Friedman, piano
Art Davis, bass
Max Roach, drums

from Out Front.

A relaxed tempo, a beautiful head with Little, Priester and Dolphy playing in tight dissonant harmony. Then the tempo cuts back and Little plays a lyrical, slightly melancholy line. The tempo picks back up and Little solos -- thoughtful, incisive licks without showmanship -- his ideas follow one another smoothly ...

Dolphy's up, wailing, again idea after idea flowing into a continuous stream of post-bop, slightly dissonant cohesive whole.

Little enters again, Roach and Friedman pounding away behind him. He settles into a three-note lick which introduces Roach:

On timpani (!) and kit. Think Also Sprach meets Stockhausen.

The head returns and ends on a #11 chord.

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