Sunday, May 1, 2022

ccxlii. ZAPPA, Frank: The Evolution of Twenty Small Cigars

ccxlii. ZAPPA, Frank (1940-1993)

The Evolution of Twenty Small Cigars

1. Transition (Section 1, in Session)
Ian Underwood, piano
Max Bennett, bass
John Guerin, drums

14 takes. Girdle Rides Up Girdle Rides Down. Guerin tries to kill a fly with his brushes.

Got it!

3. Transition (Section 2, Intercut, In Session)

Frank wants Ian to make the left-hand chords fatter!

Got it!

FZ: Watch those chords, Ian! Some of 'em are a little bit ... weird.
Ian: [...] Wrong!
FZ: I wanted to be tactful, seeing as you've been playing for seven hours.
(Ian gets frustrated) ...

Got it!

(2) (4) and (6) combined.

and Frank -- having renamed the tune -- doesn't include it on Hot Rats; and like a master filmmaker who knows that a cutting room has a floor for a reason -- cuts out all but the first 2:17, and slaps it on Chunga's between Road Ladies and The Nancy & Mary Music!

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